Posts Tagged ‘singapore’

In the past, I could always rely on good and likeminded company while going on photographic prowls. When I was back in London a few weeks ago, I tried doing my walkabouts solo (more a force of circumstances than preference then), and I find that it’s unlocked a level of confidence that’s allowed me to venture forth more independently and freely. Almost all the shoots, including the coverage of protests and special events, were done unaccompanied. I don’t think I had ever gone on solitary photowalks in Singapore before; last night was my first. Being back on this island, my…

Experience has taught me that some performers don’t take it too kindly to having a lens poking into their faces, so I approached one of the aunties, wearing my cheeriest smile and in halting Mandarin, if they’d mind my intrusion backstage. Then from down the road came D and M, who marched straight up the stairs by the side of the stage and disappeared behind the scenes. Old hands like them make me feel like a timid pup. I hurried in after them, and waltzed a few decades back in time to see mostly men and women in their 50s,…