Posts Tagged ‘russell square’

There were banners, there were loudhailers, there were marching songs, but this wasn’t a protest. The police were nowhere to be seen. This was a cheerful, untroubled, hopeful ambience. Flowers and laughter. This was the Wilding Festival, a celebration of the suffragette movement and the 100th-year anniversary of the death of militant activist Emily Wilding Davison – the woman who lost her life after throwing herself in front of the king’s horse at the Epsom Derby to draw attention to the cause. A group of modern-day suffragettes had assembled on Saturday morning in Russell Square, dressed in the suffrage colours…

I took a little detour today while on a grocery run, thinking that I’d dip into the garden square itself for some random street photography. Seeing how nice the weather’s been lately, I thought I’d add a splash of colour into the mix. While fiddling with my camera settings – I had just taken the camera out of my bag – I ran into a hobo, his shirt unbuttoned halfway down, and sneaked a shot. He then came up real close (too close!) and went, “Oh you’d like a photo would’ya, here I’ll giveya some action.” And he swung a…