Posts Tagged ‘reviews’

On my recent hikes, navigation is a job made much easier thanks to a splendid (iOS) app: MotionX GPS. Many national and country parks have well-demarcated walking trails that make it possible to not get lost even without a map and a compass or a GPS device (not that going without is ever recommended!), but other areas – like the peaks, or even the tame Chilterns where I was over the weekend – are slightly trickier. Very often, rather than a designated route from point A to B, ramblers have to devise their own original challenges and find their own…

As far as museum exhibits go, the Grant Museum‘s new(ish) Micrarium has taken the top place of honour on my list. It’s a wickedly wonderful place for the ‘tiny things’ that are my favourite things: the invertebrates that constitute an approximate 95% of all animal species. You won’t get that feeling if you walk into most, if not all, natural history museums. Vertebrates, especially large, charismatic, or extinct species, are grossly over-represented. Galleries of imposing dino skeletons, taxidermied mammals, birds with their wings of glory outstretched, life-sized models of Komodo dragons – that’s how to best inspire awe… right? The…