Posts Tagged ‘piccadilly’

The X100S continues to amaze. From some time ago: Leicester Square, Covent Garden, and Piccadilly Circus. Mostly in A-priority, auto-ISO with an experimental minimum shutter speed of 1/80 and minimal post-processing. ‘Natural’ street lighting, which is gorgeous. f/2.8, 1/56, ISO 6400 f/2.0, 1/75, ISO 6400 f/4.0, 1/45, ISO 6400 f/2.8, 1/80, ISO 4000 f/2.0, 1/80, ISO 800 f/2.8, 1/80, ISO 3200 f/2.0, 1/80, ISO 1250 f/2.0, 1/80, ISO 1600