Posts Tagged ‘nikon d7100’

Wednesday 12 Feb – I had some business in the Kranji area, and took the opportunity to drop by Buloh in the late afternoon. The recent dry spell had left water levels in the ponds near the Visitor Centre unacceptably low. The Reserve proper, too, felt a tad parched. At the end of my little walk around Route 1, having seen more than a day’s share of incredibly large golden web spiders (Nephila spp.), I stood on the Main Bridge and scanned the banks and the water for crocs and other friends. Initially, there was nothing of particular interest. I…

4 September 2013. Managed to finish the entire loop, rather rare for a night walk. Copper-cheeked frog (Hydrophylax raniceps) Moulting nursery web spider (Thalassius sp.) Singapore tanrantula (Phlogiellus inermis) Stick insect (Necroscia ?prasina , formerly N. roseipennis – the 7 white rings on antennae are diagnostic) Nasute termites Brown mantid (?Statilia sp.) Moulting orthoptera Bioluminescent ‘shrooms (Filoboletus manipularis) Nocturnal duck

The many clusters of bioluminescent mushrooms (Filoboletus manipularis, among possible others) that we saw earlier in the week had all but withered. The sole bunch still existing in a decent condition was found near the end of the route, emitting a very weak bioluminescence. Singlets and another dying cluster could be found on an adjacent log, their glow barely discernable from the gleaming moonlight being reflected by surrounding surfaces on the forest floor. First, behold the X100S! 25-second exposure, f/4, ISO 5000, in-camera noise reduction off, auto white balance. The junk piece of a manual screw-in cable release I picked…