Posts Tagged ‘landscapes’

aka ‘Everything looks better in B&W’, born of a running gag between me and a photographer friend when we went to see the Genesis world premiere at the Natural History Museum. I had a free guest pass sitting in my wallet from years ago. Ten years ago maybe. It had gone flimsy and was frayed at the edges, looking like the piece of antique that it was. The staff at the exhibition counter refused it, explaining that he couldn’t take it for that would be like ‘accepting a fake ticket’. He advised me to try exchanging it for an exhibition…

I brought both the D300 and the X10 along to South Sussex. Where initially I had the D300 in hand and X10 in my bag, it soon became apparent after a few test landscape shots at the Seven Sisters Country Park that I had a clear winner in the X10, and the roles quickly reversed. Excellent colours, dynamic range, and performance in low light. Film simulation was set to Velvia, a mixture of Aperture-priority and EXR modes. All photos here are taken with the X10. Wilmington (the ‘Long Man‘ is to the left) The rest are all from the Seven…