Posts Tagged ‘fuji x-t1’

It was hiding on the underside of the sea hibiscus, two of its tarsi clipped to the edge of the heart-shaped leaf, betraying its presence. Gingerly, I flipped the leaf over and my heart skipped a beat, for my initial hunch was right: a tiny walking leaf! It tended to stagger from side to side before settling down, possibly mimicking the movement of a leaf in the wind. We also observed it chewing on the browning edges of a dying sea hibiscus leaf, a behaviour which raises some questions: don’t most herbivores prefer young to mature leaves? Is this species…

Or… love of the forests at night. Last evening was a rewarding session at a new location (‘somewhere in MacRitchie’), new night macro set-up (X-T1 with 55-200 + Raynox + that tiny EF-X8 flashgun and a mounted torch), newish shooting companions (almost but not quite the ‘Magnificent Seven’). I usually stick to a few usual places for night macro; exploration of new localities are rare but welcomed. Each patch, I find, has its own charms and hosts its own community of little forest denizens that may be less commonly sighted elsewhere – even if the ‘elsewhere’ is simply another track…