Posts Tagged ‘dogs’

It was canines, sunscreen, a compère with a very American accent, and jokes about boyfriends (get them microchipped or buy them a collar) at the Mayhew Animal Home’s annual fund-raiser. Gutted to have missed Sir Tony Robinson, who was judging one of the earlier shows – that’ll teach me to actually read event descriptions more carefully. It was so-so for photos, but I enjoyed being showered with doggy love. Nice day for some park streeting, too; more of that will follow. Link to full album on Flickr

I had just placed my order at Nandos and returned to my table when I saw this man on a bench with an irresistibly cute schnauzer just outside the restaurant’s glass doors. I mulled for but a moment, uttered to my sister a single word, “Tempted!” and she shoved my bag at me. To charge straight at them through the doors wielding a camera would be to start on the wrong foot, so to speak, so I circled around the concourse before returning meekly to the spot. I introduced myself (a little too hastily) and asked if I could take…