Category: Uncategorized

Oh, my word. Birds. Lots and lots of birds. Waders, to be exact. Knots, to be even more precise. I’d heard much of the Snettisham Spectacular, often touted as one of the UK’s top wildlife spectacles, but I’d been meaning to do this for years, but it was a challenge to get the timing right. This isn’t one of those things you could just set aside any weekend within a season for. Nope. To have a good chance of witnessing this phenomenon, you need a congruence of a few factors: extreme high tide, the right wind, the right timing for…

The new year’s upon us, and I can’t think of a better way to (attempt to) (re)start this blog than with a set of photos from London’s New Year’s Day Parade. Now in its 30th year, it’s got an extremely State-side vibe, what with marching bands and cheerleaders! Reportedly 8,5000 performers took part, with close to 30 bands from American high schools. Despite having shot street parades many times before, I’d never been caught in a situation where poor crowd control made for blocked visibility. I was told that they’d be forming up the barriers and stopping all road crossings,…

A question at the foremost of my mind has been: is the X-T1 capable of nature photography? Firstly the 55-200mm, despite its amateurish looks and feel, delivers really good quality images. It’s currently the only viable wildlife photography lens in Fuji’s line-up. The focusing is extremely smooth and quiet, but slow under difficult light. For some reason, it takes more time for the camera to transition from the LCD to the EVF with this lens. There are times when I put my eye to the EVF to see complete black darkness before the image appears 1-2 seconds later in the…