Category: Places

As far as museum exhibits go, the Grant Museum‘s new(ish) Micrarium has taken the top place of honour on my list. It’s a wickedly wonderful place for the ‘tiny things’ that are my favourite things: the invertebrates that constitute an approximate 95% of all animal species. You won’t get that feeling if you walk into most, if not all, natural history museums. Vertebrates, especially large, charismatic, or extinct species, are grossly over-represented. Galleries of imposing dino skeletons, taxidermied mammals, birds with their wings of glory outstretched, life-sized models of Komodo dragons – that’s how to best inspire awe… right? The…

Had about an hour in the Camden Markets. Like the X100, the X100S’ leaf shutter is deaf silent, allowing me to get shots like these without my hapless subjects noticing. Unless I approach them from the front – only if they look friendly! I wasn’t quick enough with this one. Robotman here loves rushing towards cameras and I couldn’t step back in time to get an uncropped frame. Today saw the passing of Lady Thatcher and this bric-a-brac shop was quick to catch on with the ‘Iron Baby’ and her preferred read. They were none the wiser.

1400 – 1900 Thunderstorms, cloudy Common sandpipers Common greenshanks Common kingfisher at the pond by the Visitor Centre Crow-billed drongo just before the Main Bridge Four Oriental pied hornbills flying east across Sungei Buloh Besar, then hopping about the towering sea almond trees Blue-tailed bee-eaters by the sea almond trees before the Main Bridge, and near Route 1 Platform 1 Estuarine crocodile by the Main Bridge A few juvenile St Andrew’s Cross spiders Cotton stainer nymphs out in full force Estuarine crocodile Geometrid moth Stick mantis Oriental pied hornbill

In the past, I could always rely on good and likeminded company while going on photographic prowls. When I was back in London a few weeks ago, I tried doing my walkabouts solo (more a force of circumstances than preference then), and I find that it’s unlocked a level of confidence that’s allowed me to venture forth more independently and freely. Almost all the shoots, including the coverage of protests and special events, were done unaccompanied. I don’t think I had ever gone on solitary photowalks in Singapore before; last night was my first. Being back on this island, my…

I brought both the D300 and the X10 along to South Sussex. Where initially I had the D300 in hand and X10 in my bag, it soon became apparent after a few test landscape shots at the Seven Sisters Country Park that I had a clear winner in the X10, and the roles quickly reversed. Excellent colours, dynamic range, and performance in low light. Film simulation was set to Velvia, a mixture of Aperture-priority and EXR modes. All photos here are taken with the X10. Wilmington (the ‘Long Man‘ is to the left) The rest are all from the Seven…