Category: Photography

The X100S continues to amaze. From some time ago: Leicester Square, Covent Garden, and Piccadilly Circus. Mostly in A-priority, auto-ISO with an experimental minimum shutter speed of 1/80 and minimal post-processing. ‘Natural’ street lighting, which is gorgeous. f/2.8, 1/56, ISO 6400 f/2.0, 1/75, ISO 6400 f/4.0, 1/45, ISO 6400 f/2.8, 1/80, ISO 4000 f/2.0, 1/80, ISO 800 f/2.8, 1/80, ISO 3200 f/2.0, 1/80, ISO 1250 f/2.0, 1/80, ISO 1600

I love how I’m able to spend 20 minutes in a single spot… and let people come to me. (I was merely killing time since I was early for a dinner appointment!) Almost too easy. Also I find that I become much more eager (reckless?) on the shutter when I’m not really in the mood for streeting, resulting in a high hit rate but producing images of little substance. Technically sound, but the emotional connection isn’t there. These are the more… intimiate ones that survived the cull.

There were banners, there were loudhailers, there were marching songs, but this wasn’t a protest. The police were nowhere to be seen. This was a cheerful, untroubled, hopeful ambience. Flowers and laughter. This was the Wilding Festival, a celebration of the suffragette movement and the 100th-year anniversary of the death of militant activist Emily Wilding Davison – the woman who lost her life after throwing herself in front of the king’s horse at the Epsom Derby to draw attention to the cause. A group of modern-day suffragettes had assembled on Saturday morning in Russell Square, dressed in the suffrage colours…

I had just placed my order at Nandos and returned to my table when I saw this man on a bench with an irresistibly cute schnauzer just outside the restaurant’s glass doors. I mulled for but a moment, uttered to my sister a single word, “Tempted!” and she shoved my bag at me. To charge straight at them through the doors wielding a camera would be to start on the wrong foot, so to speak, so I circled around the concourse before returning meekly to the spot. I introduced myself (a little too hastily) and asked if I could take…