Category: Photography

“You cannot pass through here.” One of the stewards stepped to the side and blocked my way, “You have to go round the other side.” “But I’m not passing through,” I told him. “I’m here to cover the event.” A moment later, I was receiving a briefing from their media person, and then let loose into the crowd. Finally, after having photographed quite a number of protests and demonstrations, I was at ease in such situations. No fear, no hesitation, no waffling. Just gear up and shoot. Although I was not a bona fide photojournalist nor did I have any…

I brought both the D300 and the X10 along to South Sussex. Where initially I had the D300 in hand and X10 in my bag, it soon became apparent after a few test landscape shots at the Seven Sisters Country Park that I had a clear winner in the X10, and the roles quickly reversed. Excellent colours, dynamic range, and performance in low light. Film simulation was set to Velvia, a mixture of Aperture-priority and EXR modes. All photos here are taken with the X10. Wilmington (the ‘Long Man‘ is to the left) The rest are all from the Seven…

It was a tickle, that look of indignation on the security guard’s face as he realised the source of our amusement. With a flick of the tip of his walkie-talkie, he unhooked the undergarment that was hanging from the outstretched right hand of the Townley Caryatid. “Awww…” the crowd collectively moaned, their iPhones raised and flashing. Someone shouted, “You should leave it there! It looks quite fitting!” Some thought this a rather nice touch

Experience has taught me that some performers don’t take it too kindly to having a lens poking into their faces, so I approached one of the aunties, wearing my cheeriest smile and in halting Mandarin, if they’d mind my intrusion backstage. Then from down the road came D and M, who marched straight up the stairs by the side of the stage and disappeared behind the scenes. Old hands like them make me feel like a timid pup. I hurried in after them, and waltzed a few decades back in time to see mostly men and women in their 50s,…