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Or… love of the forests at night.

Last evening was a rewarding session at a new location (‘somewhere in MacRitchie’), new night macro set-up (X-T1 with 55-200 + Raynox + that tiny EF-X8 flashgun and a mounted torch), newish shooting companions (almost but not quite the ‘Magnificent Seven’).

I usually stick to a few usual places for night macro; exploration of new localities are rare but welcomed. Each patch, I find, has its own charms and hosts its own community of little forest denizens that may be less commonly sighted elsewhere – even if the ‘elsewhere’ is simply another track just a kilometre away. Happily, this trail had a healthy mix of the small stuff, though we didn’t sight any reptiles. In particular the numbers of assassin bugs, trap-jaw ants and Amantis sp. mantids caught my attention.

The days haven’t been very wet lately so I was surprised to find a couple of small bioluminescent fungi clusters, which was a pleasant bonus.

JACL7353_macritchie140501Our playground

JACL7339_macritchie140501Wandering spider (Ctenus sp.) female with caterpillar prey

JACL7308_macritchie140501Wandering spider (Ctenus sp.) male

JACL7271_macritchie140501Huntsman spider (Thelcticopis sp.)

JACL7280_macritchie140501Wolf spider (Venonia sp. ) on its dew-coated web

JACL7405_macritchie140501Spotted scorpion (Lychas scutilus) under UV light

JACL7388_macritchie140501Lychas scutilus with a pygmy grasshopper (Tetrigidae)

JACL7256_macritchie140501Nasute termites – mostly workers with a soldier (bottom left – with the long snout through which it sprays a noxious, defensive secretion)

JACL7229_macritchie140501Trap-jaw ant (Odontomachus sp.)

JACL7230_macritchie140501Trap-jaw ant pursuing prey

JACL7411_macritchie140501Some moth caterpillar – those yellow lines are strands of silk spun across the leaf

JACL7208_macritchie140501Some assassin bug (Reduviidae)

JACL7224_macritchie140501Some forest roach

JACL7325_macritchie140501Amantis sp. nymph

JACL7361_macritchie140501Bioluminescent fungi (Filoboletus manipularis) – lacking a tripod, I shot this hand-held: 2s, f/1.4, ISO6400

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