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George Orwell’s 1984 leads to V for Vendetta leads to a bunch of Guy Fawkes-masked activists marching on the Houses of Parliament from Trafalgar Square this 5th of November. Lots of discontent, it seems, about the government’s failure to serve its people, the dismal state of the economy and the environment. Also something about the wars, social service, education, and a lot about Cameron; it’s everything rolled into one.

We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.

Possibly my most challenging reportage coverage yet – a nighttime protest! Again I set out with full kit (D300, 17-55, 70-200) and the X100 but ended up shooting predominantly with the X100, borrowing other photographers’ flashes and illuminators while they were focusing – a neat trick I picked up along the way. The D300 with speedlight attached hung around my neck, just for looks.

“If you want to take my photograph, you’ll have to give me fifty pounds,” one of the older blokes said to me, his mask strapped to his forehead.

“Hmm, I can’t afford that, but I could give you my card,” I passed him my thank-you-street-photog-message-contact-me moocard.

“Ah, to prove that you’re bona fide?” His friend asked, grinning. “Where’re you from? Which agency?”

“None, I work for no-one,” I said.

“Taking for yourself, then?”

I nodded. He approved, relaying the disgruntlement of one of this mates when he found himself on a full page spread in the Big Issue during Occupy St Paul’s after the paps caught him in an unflattering moment. “There’s just no privacy left in this world.”

“Well, it was a public event, in a public place, so all’s fair game. As is this one.” And when he didn’t respond, I pointed out, “Anyway, you have your mask – that would give you your privacy.”

“This? It’s bloody uncomfortable, this thing is. Can’t breathe when you’re Anonymous.”








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